
Neurons & Anxiety

Neurons that fire together, wire together.

If your brain fires off two neurons, or perhaps two networks of neurons, at the same time then they will begin to become wired together.

For example, when you see or think of the Nike logo, what phrase comes to mind?

“Just do it.”

These two networks, the Nike logo and the phrase “Just do it.”,  get to know each other. Once intertwined they start firing together becoming a single network.

Soon, you may find that one naturally goes with the other!


How might this relate to anxiety?

Consider for a moment a young girl in school.

  • During show and tell she becomes nervous.

  • In high school when presenting to the class she becomes extremely nervous.

  • In her first job, she has to present in a boardroom and becomes so nervous that she begins to have a panic attack.

Through conditioning this woman’s brain has wired two things together- presenting to a group of people and being nervous  to create one mental circuit!

Presenting to group of people =  Feeling nervous

Does this sound familiar?


How can we create positive change?

Fortunately there are many ways to interrupt this conditioning and create new circuits in your brain so that you feel empowered with the ability to move forward feeling more comfortable.

I may teach you simple yet amazing neuroplasticity tools.

We may use hypnosis to anchor in some wonderful resources such as feeling calm or comfortable.

And the more you use these tools and bring in those resource anchors the more neurons and neural networks will be recruited and working for you!



Book a complimentary 20 minute call and let’s discuss how things are showing up for you! I will then offer you some ideas on strategies that you may choose to explore moving forward!