What can you expect during your private therapy session?


Hypnotherapy is teamwork! You will help me to help you. Just as every individual is unique so too are the challenges that a person may choose to work on. While some people may only require a single session others may require a few sessions to achieve lasting results.

Clinical Hypnotherapy session

In your first private therapy session we will typically:

  • Discuss the presenting symptoms or issue that brought you here as well as your goals

  • Chat about any questions you may have about the process

  • Establish an individual therapy plan customized specifically for you

  • Determine the number of sessions your therapy plan may require

  • Introduce you to hypnosis

In subsequent sessions we will follow your individual therapy plan. In doing so, I may use a variety of proven hypnotherapeutic tools which may include:

  • Various techniques for positive change

  • Hypnosis methods to help determine the cause of presenting symptoms, unhelpful patterns or mental blocks

  • Waking hypnosis methods to change unwanted feelings, thoughts, beliefs or behaviors

  • Stories, imagery, metaphors, reframing or direct suggestions

  • Reinforcement of learning for lasting results

  • Hypnosis methods to help desensitize painful memories; or

  • Self- hypnosis as a self- care tool to strengthen change or continue healing process.

We will likely do much of your private therapy while using either traditional hypnosis methods or waking hypnosis. With either, method, you will experience a relaxing state while feeling very aware.

Using traditional hypnosis, you will experience your conscious mind at rest while we access your resourceful subconscious mind. With access to your subconscious mind we in turn can access your memories, your perceptions of events, etc. to help you understand and resolve issues you are currently experiencing in life.

Using waking hypnosis, you will experience an interesting state as you will naturally go in and out of the conscious state, during conversation. You will access subconscious memories to help you discover what is deeply important to you at a core level and then transform that core change into your future.

Sessions may be done in my Kelowna office or online.

Online hypnotherapy sessions provide an alternative for those who would rather meet from the comfort of their own space, or for those who are unable to travel or live remotely. Online sessions work exactly the same way as face to face sessions. It is also a great way to have a session from the comfort of your home, feeling safe and comfortable.

  • A complimentary 15 minute consultation is included to discuss presenting symptoms and answer any questions you may have.

  • The cost of an online therapy session, after your free consultation, is the same as a Private Therapy Session with payment due prior to initial session.


Questions? Ready to book a private therapy session? Call, text or mail Kristine today.

What is Regression Therapy?


Emotionalized thoughts, often formed when one is a young child or during a traumatic event, are life decisions frozen in time. In those traumatic moments the younger person perceives, or forms beliefs, which stay with them forming a mental block.

How do you remove a mental block? Well, consider a dandelion- a pretty yet annoying yellow flower growing in your yard. If you pull the flower out the plant will come back over time. But, if you instead, pull the flower and root out, you will stop that annoying flower from springing into action again. The plant will be removed completely. Regression therapy is very similar. We can access your memories, available in your subconscious mind, to revisit the very root of your issue, the origin of when a perception was formed. By reviewing the scene, you can then put events in proper perspective so moving forward you bring along the improved, updated belief(s).

Mental blocks may be formed for many reasons and can affect a person’s life physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
Have you ever watched an adult acting out in some way and literally thought, “What is up with him? He is acting just like a 2 year old!” Chances are that at 2 years old something did happen to that little boy who then formed a belief based on his perception at that time. The result? That young boy formed a mental block that, when triggered even as an adult, has the 2 year old resurface.

Perhaps you have a friend who continually makes unhealthy life choices, ranging from the type of partner she chooses to an addiction she can’t seem to break. You may both see a pattern repeat itself yet your friend just can’t seem to break the pattern to make healthier choices. Chances are that at some point, when your friend was younger, something happened. It could have been an incident, something she read, something overheard in conversation or on television or social media and unknowingly she formed a perception or belief in that moment that she has carried forward into adulthood.

Just as everyone is unique so too are life experiences and the different types of mental blocks that may develop. If you are experiencing any of the following conditions Hypnotherapy may be for you:

  • Breaking habits such as smoking or nail biting

  • Healing fears and phobias

  • Managing anxiety or stress

  • Clearing emotional charge and healing grief due to painful experiences

  • Releasing “shock energy” or clearing physical complaints or trauma for which your doctor finds no physical basis

  • Managing chronic pain

  • Resolving lifelong reoccurring patterns in relationships or emotional issues

  • Experiencing problems in school, work or in your relationship

  • Feeling lonely, unhappy and believe you aren’t getting the most out of your life; or

  • Performance related limiting beliefs

Waking Hypnosis:

What is Core Transformation?

Core Transformation

Core Transformation

How would you like to overcome limitations while gaining well being and doing so without using a formal hypnosis method but rather by having more of a conversation?

Core Transformation is a gentle, powerful method that can be used on any feeling, thought, behavior or habit that you would like to change. Discover how to let your inner self really emerge by discovering what is deeply important to you at a very core level!

I will guide you through the process of Core Transformation so that you can experience positive change thereby transforming your future way of being.

If you would like to book and appointment or have questions regarding any therapies offered please contact me and we can discuss if Hypnotherapy may be of benefit for you.

Case Studies


 Case Study: Fear of Success


Tricia came to me for help professionally. Though seemingly confident, Tricia described feeling anxious when it came to placing business ads and in waiting for clients to contact her.

Therapy Plan:

Regression Therapy helped Tricia understand the roots of her anxiety. Additional sessions (including self-hypnosis audios) were beneficial in:

  • helping Tricia through any future anxiety as she built trust and confidence in herself and her amazing abilities; and

  • imagining what a year of success would look like for Tricia both personally, professionally and financially.

Client Testimonial:

I went to see Kristine because I was feeling a “block” when it came to running ads for my business. I could feel the tightness in my chest every time I had to place an ad. I knew it was becoming a problem and wanted help to fix it, as this had been going on for a long time.

When I met her (Kristine) I got so much more than I bargained for. She took me to a strange but familiar place and I learned more about myself in that hour than I had in my lifetime. It was absolutely an amazing experience. I would highly recommend going to see her. I was nervous and knew very little about hypnosis, but she made me feel comfortable and at ease.

Thank you Kristine, from the bottom of my heart.

Tricia, October 2018

Case Study: Fear of Birds


Jackie’s fear of birds was preventing her from really enjoying her life by limiting her from any activities in which birds might be present. Jackie came to see me as a very determined woman with a wonder goal in mind and was more than ready for a positive change in this aspect of her life!


Birds phobia

Therapy Plan:

Regression therapy helped Jackie understand where her fear originated and enabled her to update her younger self. We also used a combination of visuals, suggestions and metaphors to help prepare Jackie in conquering her fears and making her goals a pleasant reality.

Feel free after phobia

Client Testimonial:

“I have had a debilitating fear of birds for as long as I can remember. I went to Kristine for regression therapy and it was amazing. The session itself was very emotional as it brought back so many memories, even memories that I had suppressed for years. I am happy to report that I have been able to enjoy this summer without being bothered by birds. Thank you so much Kristine!”

- Jackie, Saskatoon 2017

Case Study: Pain management for Burns


Propane Explosion!


I received a call from the hospital. A friend had recently sustained burns to the face, arms and hands as the result of a propane explosion and was in a significant amount of pain and discomfort.


Pain Management for burns

A person in trauma is already in a natural state of trance and very open to suggestion. It is therefore very important to choose your words wisely when working with, near or on someone who is experiencing trauma.
For this particular individual hypnosis was used to calm and cool the affected areas of the burns. A temporary button, otherwise known as an anchor, was also suggested so that each time a particular location was touched a feeling of coolness and calmness was activated flowing through the person and providing some measure of relief when I was no longer there to help. Audio recordings were provided to aid after dressing changes or when trying to relax enough to rest or sleep.

Client Testimonial:

“I was recently injured with significant burns to the face, both arms and hands from a propane explosion. Though, very grateful to have a friend like Kristine, I was quite skeptical of hypnotherapy as it was not a traditional kind of treatment I am familiar with. However, I agreed to try it to manage the pain I experienced at the hospital. Surprisingly, through the hypnosis I was able to refocus and relax to the point where the pain was bearable. To aid in the healing process, I also used hypnotherapy to sleep better as I consider it almost like a form of meditation or relaxation.
I appreciated Kristine’s help to get through this tough period and encourage anyone who may need assistance with issues such as pain management or having difficulty relaxing to be open and give hypnotherapy a try.”

- Male, Saskatoon area, June 2017

Core Transformation

Client Testimonials:


I had my first session with Kristine and she had me dive deep into some core issues. I had the opportunity to use what I learned about myself right the next day when I needed to stand and assert myself in a difficult situation. I’m so excited for such a tangible change, I can’t wait for the next one!

- Liliana, USA (June 2019)

Thank you so much for the session in Core Transformation. It’s a few days later and I’m still enjoying the benefits of a peaceful knowing that all is well. I feel calm, centered and focused. Thank you again for coaching me to discover the inner bliss that is and always was there. I’m sleeping well and looking forward to another session.

Thank you!!

-Client, Canada (June 2019)


“Hi Kristine. Hope you are doing well. I want to thank you for speaking with me Friday. It really did wonders for me, like I had a break through... I felt this incredible sense of just being able to be in the midst of chaos with out feeling disturbed or emotionally driven to feel the want, need or desire to actively try and fix people and situations around me.

I felt this shift Saturday and Sunday... I have never had this sense of being B4. I feel like I have let a lot go ... I always some how knew it wasn't in my control to begin with but for whatever reason I was still driven to drive myself half crazy and emotionally and spiritually weak at times to solve what isn't really mine...”

-Client, USA (June 2019)

 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

If you are experiencing post- traumatic stress disorder hypnosis may be beneficial in providing you with positive coping mechanisms while exploring ways of healing emotional pain as well as unwanted physiological responses.

Self-help tools and techniques may also be offered to incorporate into your daily practice.

Hypnosis may be used to reduce PTSD symptoms which may include:

  • Hypervigilance

  • Hyperarousal

  • A lack of trust

  • Flashbacks

  • Sleeping disorders

  • Self- acceptance and self- worth

  • Physiological responses to trauma

Hypnosis is a safe, natural and altered state of consciousness, where you aren’t quite awake and not fully asleep.

Your physical body and conscious mind experience a relaxed state while your unconscious mind remains in a heightened state of suggestibility. In this space you are open to suggestion, positive resource states, i.e. linking an internal feeling with an external experience, and is a space where negative beliefs and unwanted programs can be updated, changed and overcome using the powers of your own mind.

Hypnosis also induces the relaxation response as muscles loosen, breathing deepens, heartbeat slows, and blood pressure drops. This relaxation response is the physiological opposite of stress, and is beneficial in neutralizing those unwanted thoughts or emotions you may be experiencing through PTSD.