
A Spiritual Awakening


In my profession I see people for many reasons. I do my best to facilitate each session within a person’s belief system- whether religious, spiritual or otherwise. My intention is always to hold a safe, non-judgmental space where a person may share and feel comfortable in using hypnosis to access and tap into their unlimited potential.

I have facilitated many sessions for those wishing to seek guidance, answers or to explore more spiritually. Clients discover that there is so much more available to each of us that we are not even aware of yet!

So, if you are seeking an opportunity to:

  • explore within,

  • discover more about who you truly are

  • become your best self

  • explore new ways of seeing, being and thinking

then I am taking new clients and would love to facilitate a session with you.

Hypnosis will provide a tool for you to relax, explore and perhaps expand your perspectives about yourself and your life.

I hold sessions both online and in-person in my Kelowna based office. Text, call or email me and let’s explore and perhaps expand your knowledge and abilities!

Physical pain manifesting in the body

Did you know that emotional stress may manifest as physical pain?

Emotional stress may manifest as pain in many different ways. A person may have a reoccurring headache or a pain in their leg, arm or back that doesn’t seem to heal or go away.

Over the years I have helped clients who were experiencing pain that the medical community could find no basis for. These clients, over time, had run out of medical options for finding relief from their physical discomfort. At some point they seek out alternative therapies in hopes of finding comfort. That is often when I see the person and unfortunately this usually occurs years after enduring physical pain!

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One of the first things I am curious about are the events that happened in the person’s life when the pain first appeared. This can be very revealing! As part of the initial session we determine the best hypnotherapy path to explore and proceed. While there are many therapy options I have provided a couple of examples below.

Hypnosis is useful in accessing resourceful memories to rediscover a time when a person felt healthy- physically, mentally and emotionally.

That wonderful feeling of health can be anchored, like a magic button, so it can easily be accessed whenever desired. The result? That feeling of health is brought through the body and mind easily. This often provides relief .

There may be trapped emotions and self-limiting beliefs beneath the physical pain.

Hypnosis can be used to access the underlying emotion, which can be followed back in time to when it first occurred. It is so interesting to discover the source of the discomfort! For example, sometimes people hold on to discomfort to punish themselves; they may hold onto the pain for attention; or perhaps a person of authority told them they would never fully heal. Whatever the reason, once a person becomes consciously aware of the reason, it can be a game changer. That is when so much shifting and releasing takes place. Pain may be released immediately or may be released over a number of days or weeks.

I am always amazed at the healing that can take place!


If you are interesting in learning more contact Kristine for a complimentary 15 minute chat to explore how hypnotherapy may benefit you.

Stay tuned as I will discuss options for managing chronic pain in a future chapter.

Self-sabotaging your success?

What is blocking you from reaching your full potential?

Often, you don’t have to look much further than the reflection in the mirror.

Mental blocks can affect a person’s life mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and in many other ways.

Perhaps you are making unhealthy life choices or limiting your success at work or school?

We may form mental blocks and self-limiting beliefs through our environment, the people we are around, as a result of a traumatic event, and even social media.

Using hypnosis we can tap into discovering what those mental blocks or limiting beliefs are and where they are coming from! You can then remove those blocks and update those old beliefs and start manifesting the outcomes you desire!

Plus, we can build your confidence by moving you forward in time- seeing yourself achieving those outcomes you desire and experiencing success!

Kindness and compassion

When Thomas Edison was asked about how he felt about his failures, before finally inventing the light bulb, he replied, ‘I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.’

Exploring what works and doesn’t work is part of being human. I believe we are here to learn through experiencing duality and this always includes emotion. For example, how could you truly know what you want if you haven’t also experienced what it is you don’t want?  Along the way mistakes may be made as different paths are explored. Be patient with yourself. Learn from mistakes and move on!

Since few people would claim to be perfect, it seems unnecessary to pretend that we never make mistakes. Greeting mistakes and imperfections with kindness and compassion provides more nurturing conditions for growth. When you feel broken on the inside, give yourself some time to discover what you need to heal. And ask for help or support, if you feel stuck.

If you find you are making the same mistakes over and over again then hypnotherapy may be beneficial as we can use the emotions you are experiencing to determine the origin of the pattern you are wanting to break. Once discovered you may process and move forward in your life positively.

Curious to learn more?

Experience a Core Transformation

How would you like to overcome limitations while gaining greater well-being?

What if I told you we could do this without a formal hypnosis process but rather a conversation?

Core Transformation- a gentle, powerful method that can be used on any feeling, behavior or thought that you would like to change.

Discover how to let your inner self really emerge by discovering what is deeply important to you at a core level. I will guide you through this amazing process of positive change to help transform your future.


Consider areas of your life where the Core Transformation Process can be powerfully effective. Here are some examples to consider.

  • Do you have a ‘nervous’ habits or mannerisms, such as biting your fingers or fingernails, drumming the table, or a nervous laugh?

  • Is your attention usually on pleasing others? Do you do things for others at your own expense?

  • Do you avoid being with people? Do you feel unsafe around people who are no threat to you?

  • Does it seem as if you could not live without another person? Does it feel like your life would fall apart if a certain person wasn’t there?

  • Do you usually want to be the one in charge? Does it anger you when people do things you can’t control?

  • Is it difficult to accept yourself unless you are perfect?

  • Are you over critical of your behavior when you make small mistakes?

  • Would you like to improve your self-esteem?

  • Do you lack a sense of who you are?

  • Do you have obsessive thoughts about something?

I had my first session with Kristine and she had me dive deep into some core issues. I had the opportunity to use what I learned about myself right the next day when I needed to stand and assert myself in a difficult situation. I’m so excited for such a tangible change, I can’t wait for the next one!
— -Liliana (June 2019)

What are you ready to change?

Sessions can be done in person or on-line!

Call or Text (306) 270-2262