Physical pain manifesting in the body | Hypnotherapy Services by Kristine

Physical pain manifesting in the body

Did you know that emotional stress may manifest as physical pain?

Emotional stress may manifest as pain in many different ways. A person may have a reoccurring headache or a pain in their leg, arm or back that doesn’t seem to heal or go away.

Over the years I have helped clients who were experiencing pain that the medical community could find no basis for. These clients, over time, had run out of medical options for finding relief from their physical discomfort. At some point they seek out alternative therapies in hopes of finding comfort. That is often when I see the person and unfortunately this usually occurs years after enduring physical pain!

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One of the first things I am curious about are the events that happened in the person’s life when the pain first appeared. This can be very revealing! As part of the initial session we determine the best hypnotherapy path to explore and proceed. While there are many therapy options I have provided a couple of examples below.

Hypnosis is useful in accessing resourceful memories to rediscover a time when a person felt healthy- physically, mentally and emotionally.

That wonderful feeling of health can be anchored, like a magic button, so it can easily be accessed whenever desired. The result? That feeling of health is brought through the body and mind easily. This often provides relief .

There may be trapped emotions and self-limiting beliefs beneath the physical pain.

Hypnosis can be used to access the underlying emotion, which can be followed back in time to when it first occurred. It is so interesting to discover the source of the discomfort! For example, sometimes people hold on to discomfort to punish themselves; they may hold onto the pain for attention; or perhaps a person of authority told them they would never fully heal. Whatever the reason, once a person becomes consciously aware of the reason, it can be a game changer. That is when so much shifting and releasing takes place. Pain may be released immediately or may be released over a number of days or weeks.

I am always amazed at the healing that can take place!


If you are interesting in learning more contact Kristine for a complimentary 15 minute chat to explore how hypnotherapy may benefit you.

Stay tuned as I will discuss options for managing chronic pain in a future chapter.