Meditation: Out of Your Head/Into Your Body! (10min 30 sec)


Discover other helpful audios, for various purposes, for purchase through this website or by reaching out to me.

Please check back for new content or stay informed by signing up for Kristine’s Offerings email.

Yours in healing,



As you enjoy these free hypnosis or meditation audios please know they are not a substitute for medical or therapeutic care. Never listen to an audio in any situation where you need to be alert such as operating a vehicle or other machinery.

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Craving Buster Tool!

When you feel that craving starting to come in please use this craving buster to move you through it so you can continue with your day!

Hypnosis Audios


Introduction to Hypnosis

Enjoy wonderful suggestions of relaxation, visualizations and positive suggestions. Notice how you perceive suggested impressions –whether you see, hear, smell or sense or simply feel impressions. The way you perceive is just how it is supposed to happen.

Now, wearing loose fitting clothing, find a comfortable, quiet spot and relax and enjoy the experience!

Audio duration: 17 minutes

A gift of… Connection


Explore using this audio to experience a sense of connection, to lessen any feelings of separation or even loneliness that you might be experiencing.

Make sure you are in a location where you can just sit back, close your eyes and relax….

Healing Disk of Light

Relax your mind and body as a healing disk of light moves through you finding any damage while restoring your body to a healthy condition. This audio may be especially helpful if you are feeling ill; wanting to strengthen your immune system; or promote a general sense of wellness.


The Sleep Screen

Sleep is a vital component of your overall health and well-being.

If you are experiencing trouble sleeping you may consider listening to this audio to help relax your body while projecting anything that is distracting you out onto a screen. This audio also contains music including the sounds of rain and the beach.

See what changes in your sleep pattern.

Yours in health and wellness,



Grounding: The Tree Hypnosis Audio

Just find a quiet, comfortable place to listen to this wonderful grounding audio.

Enjoy being grounded as you become a tree. Notice how you grow in perfect balance. Your roots growing ever deeper into the ground firmly holding you while your branches and leaves extend higher and higher into the Universe. Yes, you discover that perfect balance of finding the more grounded you are the higher your awareness of this vast Universe surrounding us.

Audio Duration: 26 minutes

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Meditation Audios

Ground, Shield & Clear: Daily Self-care


Explore this self-care meditation to clear yourself of anything unwanted, unused or unneeded - especially if you find yourself taking on unwanted energy, in the form of emotions or physical sensations, of those around you.

Easily ground yourself, set up your protective energetic space and clear any discomfort in your body and energetic space.

Heart Coherence Meditation

Discover the benefits of breathing in and out of your heart space and learn how easy it is to relax your thoughts and build coherence between your heart, brain and your body.

This technique is included in my ebook- Neuroplasticity: Choosing a New Path for Postive Change.

White Light Meditation

White Light Meditation

As events unfolding in the news, social media, family and friends all this worry may leave you feeling anxious, or weighed down, or your mind may be spinning caught up in wondering of future days ahead. . This  self care clearing meditation will guide you through using a white filter to clear your body, to help clear your loved ones and beyond.